Thursday, October 1, 2009


I got to today's events in Kawasaki a bit late so I missed the rehearsal for the mini live. My favourite egg member Saaya was there so it was kind of a disappointment. Then when the mini live started there was already so many there so I had to watch it from a spot where it was hard to see much. At least I had a good view of Mano and Saaya all the time. The other members was Kikka, Sekine and Momoka and they did backup dancing for Mano.

Set list:

1. Kono Mune no Tokimeki wo
2. Hajimete no Keiken
3. Kono Mune no Tokimeki wo

Once again Mano talked about her being an "ame onna" but somehow had managed to get good weather without any rain for the today's events that took place outside. Besides that I didn't get much except from her going through the usual stuff like please listen to the new single a lot and to come see her at the stage play in November (which I unfortunately will miss.. orz).

Today's handshake event (Scroll down for English translation.)

俺: さぁやファンです!
北原: お~!ありがとうございます!お久しぶり!
俺: はい、ありがとうございますw

真野: オマリー!
俺: 僕は何歳ですか?
真野: ありがとうございます。お~・・・26?w
俺: 二十歳w
真野: お~w バイバイ!

俺: 新人公演行きました!
北原: 未定~未定~(?聞き逃す・・日本語・・orz)

俺: えぇ~?w Thank you!

俺: せっきはひかりききですね?
関根: えぇ?
俺: お~左利き!w
関根: お~はい~
俺: 僕も!
関根: Thank you~

真野: オマリー!w
俺: Thank you~w
真野: バイバイ~
俺: バイバイ!

俺: Your hairstyle today is very beautiful~
北原: お~Thank you!

俺: 桃香はすごい優しいキャラです
桃香: おぉ~!Thank you!!
俺: バイバイ~w
桃香: バイバイw

俺: Now I will go back home! お疲れ~
真野: お疲れ様でした!
俺: See you tomorrow!
真野: はい!バイバイ!
俺: バイバイ~

俺: 僕はオマリーといいます。覚えて下さい!
北原: オマリー・・?
俺: はい!オマリー!
北原: はい!Thank you! バイバイ!

桃香: オマリーさん?
俺: はい! Thank you!
桃香: Thank you! バイバイ!
俺: バイバイ!

俺: 僕はオマリーといいます。覚えて下さい!
吉川: オマリー?
俺: はい!バイバイ!
吉川: バイバイ~

関根: オマリーさん?
俺: はい!バイバイ!
関根: バイバイ~

俺: Do you speak English?
真野: English... speaking? Oh..uh... See you later! w
俺: See you later! w
真野: w バイバイ!
俺: バイバイ!

Me: I'm Saaya's fan!
Saaya: Oh, thank you! Long time no see!
Me: Yeah.. thank you!

Mano: O'Malley!
Me: How old am I?
Mano: Thank you! Oh~! ....26? *lol*
Me: 20! *lol*
Mano: Oh~ Bye-bye!

Me: I went to Shinjin Kouen!
Saaya: "Mitei~mitei~"(?) (I couldn't hear this well.. but I believe she misunderstood me for asking if she will be at the next Shinjin Kouen and replied that it's not decided yet.)

Momoka: THANK YOU!
Me: Ehh? *lol* Thank you! (I think she actually heard what I said to Saaya, haha.)

Me: Sekki is light-handed, right?
Sekki: Eh~?
Me: Oh! Left-handed! (I said hikari and not hidari, lol)
Sekki: Oh! Yes!
Me: Me too!
Sekki: Thank you~

Mano: O'Malley!
Me: Thank you! *lol*
Mano: Bye-bye!
Me: Bye-bye!

Me: Your hairstyle today is very beautiful~
Saaya: Oh, thank you!

Me: Momoka's character is really very kind. (Here I accidentally said "yashii" and not "yasashii" at first, so I couldn't finish the sentence, lol.)
Momoka: Oh! Thank you!
Me: Bye-bye~

Me: Now I will go back home! Good job!
Mano: Thank you!
Me See you tomorrow!
Mano: Yes! Bye-bye!
Me: Bye-bye~

Then I realized that the speed got slower so I decided to go once more.

Me: I'm called O'Malley. Please remember it!
Saaya: O'Malley?
Me: Yes! O'Malley!
Saaya: Ok! Thank you! Bye-bye!

Momoka: O'Malley-san?
Me: Yes! Thank you!
Momoka: Thank you! Bye-bye!
Me: Bye-bye!

Me: I'm called O'Malley. Please remember it!
Kikka: O'Malley?
Me: Yes! Bye-bye!
Kikka: Bye-bye!

Sekki: O'Malley-san?
Me: Yes! Bye-bye!
Sekki: Bye-bye~

Mano: O'Malley!
Me: Do you speak English?
Mano: English... speaking? Oh..uh... See you later! *lol*
Me: See you later! *lol*
Mano: *lol* Bye-bye!
Me: Bye-bye!

Mano-chan needs to calm down with showing that she remembers my name, haha. It's hard to talk to her because she is not listening being busy shouting my name, lol.

Then I waited for the girls to change clothes before leaving since I missed them during the rehearsal and was curious what they were wearing. The staff pulled a nice trick on us, though, by letting the girls leave from another side of the building than what is usual. So I didn't get that close to them and couldn't say good-bye to them again. Oh well, they at least noticed me and waved to me! lol

Tomorrow it's the same lineup of girls in Yokohama. I'm glad to get to meet Saaya and the other girls again!

Lastly again Mano's outfit for the events (also used in her debut concert in June):



  1. Hello!

    I was forming lines at the front of you in Omiya stellar town today.

    Your blog is very enjoyable!

    I'm not good at English.
    I'll study then.

    See you next time!

  2. Oh! Thanks!

    Next time you see me, please come and say hello!

    Right now I feel sad for there not being any more Mano events announced. This week was so great..
