Thursday, September 24, 2009

WHAT THE!!! Couldn't apply for C-ute's rel. event - Good job Up-Front!

Today was the last day to apply for C-ute's release events for their new single this weekend. I have waited until the last day because at their concerts today you got a lottery ticket for a signed poster for every copy of the CD that you purchased. Then when I get back home with 15 copies of the single and one hour left to apply for the events the site is down!! Hundreds of people had planned to apply for it after the concerts today just like me and then also missed their chance to do so before the site went down. I am beyond pissed right now. 15,750 yen wasted on nothing. Awesome.



  1. Gah that sucks! Do you think they'll extend the time period if many people complain?

  2. I just woke up and read on H!P's official site that they extended the time to 3 PM today. Which was 9 minutes ago............
