Sunday, September 20, 2009

Risa's favourite snack!

In a recent GAKIKAME radio show, Risa told us about her favourite snack that can only be bought in Korea. Luckily I have some Korean friends that were thinking about me when they heard about it.

This snack sure helps me keep up the beer drinking.

Edit: Quick review!

As my guts told me Risa is not really to be trusted. I can imagine girls and especially za beangirl liking this. It has a very sweet taste with the Korean spicy aftertaste. Tastes Ok, but a bit too sweet if you ask me. As a snack I'd give it a 4.5/10.

Stay toon for more H!P girls food recommendations reviews.


1 comment:

  1. It seems that the majority of things that Risa's suggested have not been that great from a Westerners point of view (except for Haribo Gummi Bears).

    I'm gonna have to try and get me some of these now, just to see if they have the same effect on my stomach as the soy sauce popcorn :S
