Saturday, September 19, 2009

BERRYZ BUS TOUR キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

I got to know that I will get to go to Berryz bus tour WOHOOOO!!! Only 800 people got a ticket for this so I'm really thrilled. After them cancelling the handshake events for Berryz Fan no Tsudoi earlier this year and me not have been able to attend any release events with the girls yet it's gonna be so awesome to actually get to meet the group and join them and the wota for all cool events during this weekend in the end of October.

For the 61,800(!!) yen ticket, you get something like this:

- 8-shot photo; you together with all members of Berryz Koubou.
- At least one long and good handshake event.
- A mini live concert.
- A couple of other cool events together with the girls.

I'll be going together with mc4mass from H!O. I think it works like them putting us in a bus with a bunch of other wota, driving us from Tokyo out to the location of the tour, this time being in Gunma Prefecture. It should be a two-day tour, IIRC.

So now what pose should I ask to get to do with the girls during the 8-shot? I've got to come up with something better than the piece signs or something lame bs like that. Please, do help me out here!

And oh, I also need to send an e-mail to their radio show Beritsuu! and ask Saki-chan to dye her hair back to black again so she looks good in my photo...

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