Friday, September 18, 2009

O'Malley's First Blog Post ~はじめてのブログる!~


The other day I came to the conclusion that I have too much random stuff to talk about when it comes to Japan and Hello! Project. Stuff that would be unsuitable to post at the more serious blog project at So I decided to start this! For the serious, in-depth posts I recommend you to head over to Idol-Chatter, and well, for the rest, we'll take it here, hehe.

O'Malley wa... dare?

A short presentation:

I'm a Swedish dude currently doing all I can to try spend as much time as possible in Japan. All to get to see my beloved idols, preferably every day. Because of the way I make my living and my zero interest in getting a work or start studying in Japan I can only take 3 months trips on a tourist visa before I have to leave the country and come back again to renew it. I'm staying at my Japanese friend's place in central Tokyo. Someone who I have to thank a lot for constantly helping me out with all struggles to get closer to the girls. If I hadn't met him I would probably still not be a H!P fanclub member and not even have attended any release events yet (you need a Japanese cell phone subscription for that).

Basically I attend most H!P events I'm able to go to that doesn't require me to take a hella expensive Shinkansen or night-bus trip to get there. Luckily there's stuff going on every week in Tokyo. It doesn't matter if it's Morning Musume, H!P Kids, Mano or the Eggs, all get equal love. I'm called a "DD" harowota. "DD" standing for 「誰でも大好き」 [daredemo daisuki] = one who loves anyone. A DD wota supports all groups and their girls.

Why are you called "O'Malley"? That ain't a Swedish name!

It all started out with some 2ch (JP message board) Berryz wota referring to me as 「オマリー」. O'Malley being a famous American baseball player in Japan during the 90's that they believe I resemble in terms of looks. I decided to play along and asked my friend to get me a baseball jersey with this dude's name on it that I started wearing for concerts and other events. More people then started calling me O'Malley in person (or as they pronounce it, "Omari~"), which was cool because then I didn't have to introduce myself with my real name as I'd rather try stay anonymous in the wota circle.

O'Malley call!

Later on, after a Mano concert, while waiting for a handshake event with her they were showing PVs on the big screen. Hajimete no Keiken was running and suddenly I heard some people shouting out "RO-MA-N-SU!" and I checked behind me and saw a bunch of people doing wotagei to the video. I stood up and joined them while realizing that right away I had all 2,200 eyes on me, since I was on the 3rd row and we were only maybe 4-5 guys standing up and dancing. After finishing a lot of people started cheeering on me and clapping their hands (going; "Woooh!! Omari~!, Omari~!, Omari~!"). An audio fanrecording of the happening can be found here.

With this blog, please have zero expectations of the content and the quality of it. But please stay toon for moar random rambling!



  1. One day Hello Project, Morning Musume, Berryz Kobo, C-ute, Hello Pro Eggs, and everything else related to these will come to an end. What will you do? What meaning and purpose will you have in your life when it all ends? Will you look back with fond memories of everything you've experienced, or come to a realization that you've spent so much money and so much time and so much effort on something that really had no meaning? Will there be a time when you look back and think, 'where is my life, where is my happiness, and a family to call my own, a purpose to live for myself and a life of fulfilment and achievement?'

  2. I'm not sure how I should respeond to this comment. It wasn't more than a year ago since I went to Japan for the first time. I do still have a life with friends and family back home in Sweden. But I also have friends in Japan. I am not only living for following Japanese idols and attend their events. Besides, I'm only 20 years old. I don't think it's expected from someone to have reached very far at that age. I got my own apartment and have been making a living on my own for over two years now. That alone should be considered as some sort of achievement!

  3. Awesome. So far I like this even better than your stuff on Idol Chatter. Will keep reading like a motherfucker! Thanks. :)

  4. "or come to a realization that you've spent so much money and so much time and so much effort on something that really had no meaning?"

    Errr, what's the point of anything for that matter? If you enjoy it, that's all the meaning you need.

    Anyways, I enjoy reading your blog gordo, keep posting!
